Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Joan and Eric's house, Worcester PA

Another Easter has come and gone. Kids loved the Easter Bunny's visit...6 Easter baskets!!! Tooth Fairy came again this week too. I think I'm going to appeal to the IRS that we should be able to write their (S. Claus, TF, E. Bunny) visits off on tax returns!!! Anyhow, we went to church as usual then to my sister's for brunch. Easter egg hunt in my sister's yard was lots of fun. Highlight was that we got to see my grandmom who is now 97 (almost 98), and my sister Beth from NYC who we haven't seen since Christmas! After that huge meal, went to Dave's parents for another egg hunt and delicious (huge) dinner. I will start my diet tomorrow...

Kriebel and Conner cousins

Friday, March 07, 2008

Stay off the roads...

Thea has her license!!! She wanted me to take her, because when Dave took her to get her permit she failed twice and when I took her, she passed. She thinks I'm lucky?!? Funny, I've never considered myself lucky in anything except maybe fertility! LOL. Anyhow, she passed. I am very proud of her. And very terrified! Here is a photo of her just minutes after in her 1985 Honda Accord!